Time and Money: The Terrible Twins.

These are the foundations of all circumstances.

Look at your life, and you’ll find the underlying influence of one or both of these drivers.

We are all allotted the same amount of time – period.
Your only qualification is to have a living body.

From the time you were conceived, the clock ticks until death parts you from your body.

You can do nothing about time except regret it when it’s gone.
Clocks, watches, and digital readouts all count away the seconds and your life.

Our language is peppered with phrases about time such as:
Time waits for no man; a stitch in time saves nine; killing time.

We express ourselves in units of time, measure our lives against it and wonder what happened to it when we get old.

Your life path is measured in stages, babyhood, childhood, teenager, adult and finally old age.

You have birthdays to remind us of your age but the older you get, the less you want to count the years.

Marriage is measured through anniversaries from paper to golden.

Old age arrives too quickly as you notice the lines, wrinkles, aches and pains as your body slows down.

As you work, you wish away your day wanting to do something – anything, as long as you are not at work.
You attend time management courses, plan your schedules and work your life to the plan you fail to keep.
You wish you could win the lottery and then you’d have the time to do what you want.

You make New Year’s resolutions vowing to change things but they are forgotten until next New Year.

As humans, we are professional time wasters.


Most of your time is spent doing something you do not like.
This is when time drags by and you wish it would end. But when you are doing something you enjoy, then time flies.

You detest being delayed by queues or traffic jams but happily while away the hours in front of a TV or other pleasures.

Technology is sold under the guise of saving time and making your life easier but what happens to the time you saved?

Procrastination and the belief that tomorrow is another day justify your decisions.

The paradox is that you do all you can to get enough money to have time to do the things you like.

My first post Who Designed the System looks at how I believe the system operates.

Time and money govern the entire process.
The function of the system is to get you to use your time to earn money so that you can buy time.

Your parents teach you the basics, the education system prepares you for the job market, your career pays the bills and retirement drops you off the grid.

You want enough money so that you can enjoy your life and your golden years.
Most of us suffer because there wasn’t enough gold and the years of slavery ate our health away.

If you agree with my take on this, there must be some way of having both time and money without the consequences.

Surely life would be much better if we enjoyed every minute of our time and yet had enough money as well?

Time is what we want most, but… what we use worst.
William Penn

Updated: May 2022

3 thoughts on “Time and Money: The Terrible Twins.”

  1. its good andre
    no arguments with the time vs life analysis
    i am looking forward to how you bring the
    “Surely life would be much better if we enjoyed every minute of our time and yet had enough money as well?”

  2. It is sad that most of us associate the enjoyment of time by having enough money. Every moment is an opportunity to make wise use of our time; we can either use it to appreciate the beauty of our existence or use it to find the miserable. 🙂

  3. The strange thing is that many that find the money do not find what they were looking for. Their lives become hollow shells, trying to be something they are not. What we all should be looking for is peace and joy which both stem from within and money cannot buy.

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